What is jusched.exe?
Jusched.exe is a windows process which is a part of Java(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Update. Jusched.exe is designed to check for Java updates. This process is very important as it guarantee stable and and secure running of your computer's Internet browsing so it shouldn’t be terminated. Jusched.exe is usually located in the the sub-folder and its usual size is 14,348 bytes.
jusched.exe has been identified as a spyware trojan when it is located in the Windows\System32 folder.
If you do not use Java in your browser, you can uninstall it. Often users may have multiple installations of Java because the update does not uninstall the old version.
We recommend you to check it manually at http://java.sun.com/, if you find a new version, uninstall the old version before update to the new one.
How to disable Java Updates in XP
1. Open control panel and click on the Java icon (Additional Options in Vista).
2. Select the Update tab, and then uncheck the box for “Check for Updates Automatically”
3. After you click the Never Check button above, you’ll probably receive this error message if you are in Windows Vista, stating that it also hasn’t been properly certified to work with Vista in the first place. Just click that it works correctly.