What is mmjb.exe?
The mmjb.exe is a MUSICMATCH Jukebox.
This file is part of MUSICMATCH? Jukebox. Mmjb.exe is developed by MUSICMATCH, Inc. It’s a hidden file. It can use network. Mmjb.exe is usually located in the %PROGRAM_FILES% sub-folder and its usual size is 2,482,176 bytes.
Mmjb.exe is associated with JukeBox or earlier version developed by MusicMatch. Using this version you may come across mmjb.exe error. In such a case you have to close the process and get the latest version from the vendor. Here is the downloading link: http://www.oldapps.com/musicmatch.php.
Overall mmjb.exe is a safe file, but be careful while downloading it from the Internet as some virus files are also floating over the net with same name.