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Download the latest exe for Windows 7, 8, 10, 11

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Download the latest exe for Windows 7, 8, 10, 11

What is 1.exe?

1.exe is registered as a trojan. It’s not absolutely clear which product this file is part of and who is its author. It’s a hidden file. This files starts on Windows startup. 1.exe is usually located in the %WINDOWS% sub-folder and its usual size is 337,737 bytes.

1.exe is distributed through email - a computer gets infected when a user opens an attachment. The 1.exe file has its own SMTP engine, which means that it can gather email addresses from your local computer and re-distribute itself to all your contacts. In worst cases 1.exe allows the attacker to access your computer and steal your passwords and personal data.

1.exe could also be an adware process. Adware monitors your browsing habits and sends the information to the author's servers for analysis. 1.exe can also be the cause of advertising pop-ups.

The 1.exe process is a security risk and should be removed from your computer.

How to Remove 1.exe

1.exe could be hard to remove. We recommend scanning your computer with Auslogics Antivirus to find and delete viruses and spyware.

You can also try to remove 1.exe manually. Before you proceed, backup all important files and create a System Restore Point (go to Start Programs - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore, and then follow the prompts).

First of all you’ll need to establish the 1.exe path:

1. Go to Start - Search - All Files or Folders.
2. Windows Explorer will open. Go to Tools Folder optionsView and check the Show hidden files and folders checkbox.
3. Then type 1.exe in the search box.
4. To get better results, select  Look in: My Computer and then click the Search button.
5. When Windows finishes searching, make a note of the 1.exe file's path
6. Navigate to the file and delete it by pressing Shift+Del

If you can’t delete the file because it’s locked by being in use, you’ll need to disable the 1.exe process in the Task Manager:

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del or Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager
2. Go to the Processes tab
3. Find 1.exe, highlight it, and click End Process
4. You should now be able to delete the file

If you still can’t delete 1.exe, boot your system into Safe Mode (tap F8 on startup and then select Safe Mode) and delete the file. Then reboot, tap F8 on startup, and select normal boot.

Common path(s):
subfolder %WINDOWS%
subfolder %SYSTEM%
subfolder %PROGRAM_FILES%
337,737 bytes, 23,047 bytes, 10,752 bytes, 64,512 bytes
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